Curriculum Innovations: Building an Architecture for Joyful Learning

Facilitators: Michelle Kuhns, Matthew Borstein-Grove, Megan Holmstrom

Michelle is the Curriculum and Strategy Specialist at International Schools Services and SISU Schools. She is deeply involved in school-based curriculum and assessment design and in establishing learning systems that empower students and educators to inquire, think deeply, and experience joy and agency in their learning. As the founder of Balanced Professional Learning, she guides schools through strategic planning for learning that leads to transformative change. She is the former Director of Learning at the American School of Dubai where she was fortunate to work closely with Matt and Megan around all things teaching and learning. This partnership has continued through the Vision to Action Collaborative.

Matt is an instructional coach, social studies teacher, and educational consultant with a passion for inquiry education (Realizing Social Studies). He brings a practitioner’s lens to his consulting work with teachers and schools as they make the shift toward an inquiry and concept driven approach to social studies teaching and learning.

Megan partners with schools (MathSpeakGlobal) to build robust PK-G12 mathematics teaching & learning programs. As an educational leader and instructional coach, she works closely with teams to ensure all students have access to rigorous mathematics. Megan has also worked closely with schools as a specialist in-residence, to guide shifts in teaching practices while supporting transitions to new math learning pathways.

Session Overview:

“Global-minded, sustainable, interculturally aware, equitable, inquirers, creativity, agency, compassion, personalized.” 

These are all words common in the mission, vision, and values of international schools. But what does it mean to be truly mission driven? How do schools put these big, audacious goals into action while students are learning to read, write, and solve problems? In this dynamic two-day workshop, we will explore how to move these promises from theory to practice, ensuring that students are cultivating them while they learn. Participants will gain the knowledge, skills, and inspiration needed to envision and design curriculum innovations that will shape the future of learning at their schools.

Session Outcomes

Articulate your school’s curriculum architecture 

  • Learn from models and case studies that led to system transformation.

  • Align your school’s mission, vision, and values to the teaching and learning program - using math and social studies as examples. 

  • Envision what your school’s mission-driven, audacious goals could look like in the daily learning experience.

Research Connections

  • Aquilar, E. (2013). Art of coaching: Effective strategies for school transformation. JOSSEY-BASS. 

  • Association for the Advancement of International Education. (2021). New School Project - Association for the Advancement of International Education. New School Project. Retrieved October 1, from

  • Bridges, W., & Bridges, S. (2017). Managing transitions: Making the most of change. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. 

  • Collins, J., & Porras, J. I. (1994). Built to last successful habits of visionary companies. Harper Business

  • Finding your path: A navigation tool for scaling personalized, competency-based learning. KnowledgeWorks. (2021, August 9).

  • Jacobs, H. H., & Zmuda, A. (2023). Streamlining the curriculum: Using the storyboard approach to frame compelling learning journeys. ASCD. 

  • ​​McTighe, J. and Curtis, G. (2021). Leading modern learning: A blueprint for vision-driven schools [Webinar]. Solution Tree

  • Rothstein, D., Santana, L., & Puriefoy, W. D. (2017a). Make just one change: Teach students to ask their own questions. Harvard Education Press. 

  • Stern, J. H., Ferraro, K. F., Duncan, K., & Aleo, T. (2021). Learning that transfers designing curriculum for a changing world. Corwin.

  • Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2007). Schooling by design: Mission, action, and achievement. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Who Should Attend

All are welcome. We encourage participants to come with a school team or partner for greater impact. This session is appropriate for school leaders of all kinds who are engaged in leading transformational change: school heads, curriculum leaders, principals, instructional coaches, teacher/team leaders.


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